Friday, June 30, 2006


I Might Not Make My Challenge of 1310 Minutes of Exercise In The Month Of June!

I had several days last week when I had company, that I could not do my actual walking that I had planned to do and we did not go to Bally's....I should have given my self a little more leadway. Even though this is the last day in June I had planed to continue the Challenge until Sunday...the end of the week. Today we didn't get home until after 10:00PM, so I didn't get to walk today either. I just have Saturday and Sunday to do the 220 more minutes....I would really have to work at it. But we are planning on working in the yard tomorrow...maybe that would help! Maybe we could go to Bally's Saturday and Sunday. Then if I walk.....Oh this sounds hard....but I so want to succeed!

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