Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I Guess I Just Eat Too Much!

Sunday's food log calories was low....1431.
When I look at the food logs on here...it just looks like I eat too much! I want to stay around 1600 calories and I exercise everyday...it should work...but I guess I eat more than 1600 calories. How can I get my protein count up?

Hi Connee
Wow - what a lot of work that was posting all of that. Its a little hard for me to comment as I "think" in WW points, metric sizes and kilojoules not calories, but with some rough conversions you seem to be doing fairly well. I think you're right though about going over your calorie allowance affecting your weight loss. After all you have to reduce your intake by 7000 calories to lose 1 kg of fat, so if you consistently let 200-300 calories slide a day - this will definitely make a difference. Are you sure about your calorie estimates for the cheese? They seem a little low to me, but its really hard to tell, Im not even familiar with the products you talk about, let along the quantities!
I eat on average about 1400 calories/day, but then I am smaller than you, so I think the amount you are aiming for is spot on.
Don't know if I've helped you or not, hopefully at least confirmed what you know already, and that you're definitely on the right track.
Whoops -signed in under an old name
that wont lead you to me - I'll try again
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