Sunday, July 23, 2006


I Have Been Thinking....

For some reason I have not seemed to be losing too much weight....I seemed to be stuck. I am going to really go over my food logs and see if I can figure out what is wrong. I kind of think it might have something to do with my dinner portions and maybe my snacks...maybe I am having too many high fat or high calorie snacks. I have tried to increase my proteins but some how it never seems to get over 19 grams. I do feel like my carbs and fats are a little too high! I'm going to ponder this and post here again later. One thing I have been doing that I hope helps, is to pack my lunch, when I am away from home at lunch time. Even if I just go shopping. I always keep water in the car and I put some protein bars in the car so I don't buy candy bars. I also found a listing of the best fast foods you can buy if you do have to buy lunch and I put that in my purse.

Ebay again sorry :) You need an email link or something although it looks nice with lots of comments too :)

I would suggest lots personally, I have one lot in my auctions a set of 3 pants in 3 colours, they have a few bids, I think lots are more popular, but its down to you.

I hope the auctions go well because it cost me AU$50 to list it all so I need probably $60+ to break even after fees etc. Should have waited til free listing day LOL Oh well, you live and learn.
Hi Connee
Are you following WW points system? or something else?
You could post an average day and get us visitors to provide you with some feedback if you like?
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