Sunday, July 02, 2006


I Think I Am Going To Make It!

A few days ago I had 220 minutes to go to reach My Challenge Goal and I didn't think I could do it! But I have been using the stationary bike in the basement and actually riding my bike. I haven't ridden my bike in several years and it is a boy's bike. I think I need a girl's bike and maybe a lighter one now. My bike is cute and old fashioned looking and I love how the gears work. When I got on I was too close to the Van and I was afraid I was going to hit the Van. So I tried to jump off and got the cuff of my shorts stuck on the bike seat...then I couldn't get my foot on the ground guessed it...I fell...before I even got out of the driveway. My husband picked me up and took me in the house to put some ice on my knee. I cried a little and said I think I need a girl's bike and he said he would get me one. Then I braved up and we started out again. I practiced getting on and off and finally figured that it was the wrong kind of shorts to wear for biking....I'll try exercise shorts next time. Anyway we rode for an hour in town and over to the next little town and ate lunch. Then we rode back to our town for another half hour of exercise.
Believe it or not I also rode my stationary bike that night late (11;35 PM) for another 40 minutes...I thought that my legs would just drop off! I took a hot bath, went to bed and just got up!
So now I just have 50 minutes to complete the Challenge....I can do that easily today because we are going to Bally's and then on to a Movie. Yeah! I'm going to make it! But next time I will give myself a little leadway so I can take a little bit off!

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