Wednesday, April 26, 2006



I have been going to Curves since last July...the end of July. I keep joining spas and gyms but then I don't go! I belong to Life Styles and Bally's. Both of those places are out of least 25 minutes away. I felt like maybe I would do better with Curves because I live in a small town and Curves is about 4 blocks away. This Summer I plan to walk there. Also I keep a bag in the car with my things for Curves, so I am always ready....just jump into the car and go. The workouts are short...only 30 minutes and they are just as strenuous as you make them. I'm starting to meet a lot of girls there and I look forward to seeing them and they look forward to seeing me. Just the group talking during workouts is fun! Shortly after I joined we went on Vacation to Hawaii, so I didn't go to Curves for three weeks but I did walk a lot. Later in the Vacation Link I'll tell you about the walk to the Green Sand, what a walk, in more ways than one! Anyway I did start going yo Curves three times a week after we got back, until I hurt my knee. I was also having trouble with my heel...a bone spur....and got new orthodics. Then my right knee started hurting right out of the minute it was fine...the next minute I could barely put weight on it. So I didn't go to Curves for 4 weeks. Never was sure what was wrong with my knee: could have been a tendon injury, beginnings of arthritis, or maybe poor alienment before or after the orthodics. I did start taking a joint vitamin called "Move Free". Maybe that was what has helped it! Finally about November it started feeling better. Then I started over again and went pretty regularly. January, February, and March I went 3 days a week for all three months, maybe missing one or two times. I talked to a lady who went every weekday in March and she lost 5.75 lbs. and 11.50 inches. She said she was careful what she was eating but by no means dieting. So I decided my goal for April was to be to go every weekday during the month. The first week I did it no problem. Then the next week I got overly tired from some major cleaning, sore, and depressed and didn't go to Curves the whole week. Finally I got ahold of myself and got back on track. I am now going every weekday and last week, Lindystar, my chubby Sheltie dog and I started the Family Circle Slim Down for Summer Walking Plan. I think I can do this, but I will have to watch my knee and make sure I wear good tennis shoes and my orthodics. My Husband and I go together to Bally's Gym every Sunday too. I'll tell about that in another post!


Slim Down For Summer! (A Walking Plan)

Family Circle Magazine has a walking challenge that I am going to try to do. It is a get off the couch and get outside walking plan. I am doing it with my chubby Sheltie dog, Lindystar. Monday we had to walk 10 minutes...easy...Today Tuesday we had to walk 15 minutes....easy again...and Wednesday, tomorrow we walk 10 minutes again. Then Thursday we have the day off. Friday 15 minutes, Saturday 10 minutes and Sunday 20 minutes....80 minutes for this week. The next week it is 105 minutes, the next 150 minutes and the last week in the month 195 minutes. I think it is a three month challenge. I can do only problem could be the heel spur and sore knee. I hope it will help my knee get stronger. And I am wearing orthodics and good tennis shoes. Right now it seems to be OK.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


My Efforts At Having A Healthy Life Style!

I retired from teaching Elementary School in 2004. Since then one of my goals has been to have the healthiest life style for me and my husband that I can. The first thing I did was join Self diet. com One day I was just looking on the internet for free diet information and I found the Self Diet Plan. I was so impressed that I joined right away. I loved all the tools, information, challenges, and the forums. They have been wonderful and very helpful to me. I have lost 25 pounds since I joined. My husband follows the plan with me.

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